Serving Women & Families
of North Alabama
NFP Mission
Learning and promoting Natural Family Planning (NFP) or, Fertility Awareness methods, helps individuals and couples understand and promote Catholic teaching on human sexuality, the virtue of chastity, marriage, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood by achieving or avoiding pregnancy, and the value of children. Additionally, learning fertility awareness through charting cycles may help women, teens, and couples identify science-based biomarkers to facilitate preventative or restorative healthcare and become better stewards of their bodies. Early detection of these biomarkers may also help identify risk factors for cancer, infection, miscarriage, and premature birth, for example. This knowledge fulfills one of the pro-life initiatives to respect life, and the potential for such life, created in a woman’s body, from conception to natural death.

“The spouses’ union achieves the twofold end of marriage: the good of the spouses themselves and the transmission of life. These two meanings or values of marriage cannot be separated without altering the couple’s spiritual life and compromising the goods of marriage and the future of the family.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church, P. 2363
- Continuing education, enrichment, and support for diocesan NFP teachers, couples, and individuals
- Up-to-date research on effectiveness across all NFP methods
- Collaboration with NFP teachers of different methods
- Helping women identify best NFP method for their state in life and specific health needs and fertility goals
- Resources to grow a family through adoption and foster care
- Resources for premature birth prevention
- Grief support and resources to reduce miscarriage
- Abortion Pill Reversal resources here
- References for Catholic teaching on use of NFP
- Promotion of fertility/ovulation cycle awareness in women and teens as preventative health, pro-life, and responsible stewardship
- Promotion of NFP use through marriage preparation programs
- Connecting couples with healthcare providers who can help them achieve or avoid pregnancy through moral and ethical means